Animal Health Start-up Database.

One-of-a-kind platform for connecting players in the animal health start-up industry.
Over 500+ Animal Health companies are registered in the database so far... 

134 start-ups  focused on cats

165 start-ups  focused on dogs

69 start-ups  focused on horses

113 start-ups  focused on cattle

71 start-ups  focused on sheep

83 start-ups  focused on pigs

72 start-ups  focused on poultry

74 start-ups  focused on aqua

72 start-ups focused on human health

Why join the Start-Up community?

Investor Liaison

By joining Stonehaven’s extensive network, your start-up will benefit from increased visibility to potential investors or strategic acquirers.


We provide free workshops for start-ups joining our community. Together with our network of industry experts we tackle the most pressing topics for start-ups in Animal Health.

Key topics:

  • Strategy Development
  • Funding / Financing
  • Pitch Presentation
  • Customer Discovery 

Access to Industry Data

You will get access to white papers and key statistics created by Stonehaven and their associated partners.

We would love to hear from you!
Please use the entry form below to enter your start-up details. 
Entry Form
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